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Allan Badiner

Allan Badiner

Allan Badiner

Allan Badiner served as the editor in the first and second editions of Zig Zag Zen: Buddhism and Psychedelics(Chronicle Books, 2002; Synergetic Press, 2015), as well as two other books of collected essays, Dharma Gaia: A Harvest in Buddhism and Ecology (Parallax Press, 1990) and Mindfulness in the Marketplace: Compassionate Responses to Consumerism (Parallax, 2002). Allan is a contributing editor of Tricycle magazine, and serves on the board of directors of Rainforest Action Network, Threshold Foundation and Project CBD. He has been a student of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh for more than 25 years.


Sally Silverstone

Sally Silverstone

Sally Silverstone

Sally Silverstone was born in London, England, but her fascination with traditional cultures has taken her to East Africa, remote parts of India and Puerto Rico. From 1983 to 1994, she worked with the Biosphere 2 team, serving as manager of the design studio and the coordinator of the Biospherian Training Program. In 1991 she entered Biosphere 2 as the co-captain and food systems manager of the first crew to inhabit this unique research facility where they lived for two years, growing their own food, recycling their waste, and setting world records for human life support in an enclosed ecological system. Sally is currently CFO of the Biosphere Foundation.
Author’s Titles: Life Under Glass: The Inside Story of Biosphere 2

Christian Schwägerl

Christian Schwägerl

Christian Schwägerl combines rigorous scientific training with award-winning journalistic experience to bring attention to the most pressing environmental issues we face at this transitional time.

Christian Schwägerl

Christian Schwägerl is an award-winning Berlin-based journalist, author and biologist. After reporting on science, the environment, culture and politics for many years as staff correspondent for Frankfurter Allgemeine Newspaper and DER SPIEGEL magazine, he now freelances for GEO, Cicero magazine and DIE ZEIT science magazine as well as other leading national German media.

He is a past winner of the Georg von Holtzbrinck Prize for Science Journalism, Germany’s leading award for science journalists, and the Econsense Journalism Award. Other books authored by Christian Schwägerl include 11 Looming Wars: Future Conflicts About Technologies, Resources, Territories and Food (with Andreas Rinke, 2012) and The Analog Revolution: When Technology Becomes Alive and Nature Fuses with the Internet (2014). Since 2014, Schwägerl has been head of the Masterclass Future of Science Journalism for the Bosch Foundation and Reporter Forum.

Schwägerl is one of the creators and project leaders of The Anthropocene Project, a three-year collaboration in Berlin at Haus der Kulturen der Welt cultural center as well as an external curator for the ongoing special exhibition on the Anthropocene at Deutsche Museum Munich, the world’s largest technology museum.

Tony Juniper

Tony Juniper

Tony Juniper works as an eco-warrior, fighting for sustainable change through political action at local, national and international levels while spreading his message of the value nature provides.

Tony Juniper

Tony Juniper is a campaigner, author, sustainability adviser and well-known British environmentalist. For more than twenty-five years, he has worked to develop a more sustainable society at local, national and international levels. From providing  ecology and conservation education experiences for elementary school children to making the case for new recycling laws to orchestrating international campaigns for rainforest preservation and climate change, his work has promoted change at many levels.

Juniper presently works as a special adviser to The Prince of Wales Charities’ International Sustainability Unit, having previously served (2008–2010) as a special adviser with The Prince’s Rainforests Project. He is also a Fellow and member of the teaching faculty at the University of Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership (CPSL) and a cofounder of the Robertsbridge Group, which advises leading companies on sustainabilty strategy. In November 2012, he was named first president of the Society for the Environment.

Believing that political change is necessary in making the transition to a more sustainable society, Juniper ran as candidate for the Green Party in the Cambridge constituency at the 2010 general election. The campaign nearly tripled the Green vote in Cambridge, and the constituency ranked third out of 325 involving a Green candidate.

Tony ran Friends of the Earth in England, Wales and Northern Ireland from 1990 – 2000, then went on to serve as Vice-Chair of Friends of the Earth International for nearly a decade. He contributed to many of Friends of the Earth’s most important achievements, including legislation enacted to protect the UK’s finest wildlife habitats, new laws to require more recycling and policy changes in the transport and farming sectors. And in 2008, the UK’s world-leading statutory greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets as set out in the Climate Change Act resulted directly from the success of one of his campaigns.

Juniper frequently lectures on environmental and sustainability issues. He also writes extensively and contributes to a wide range of publications. What Has Nature Ever Done for Us? was first published in the UK in January 2013, where, following many favorable reviews, it quickly became a best seller. The North American edition is now available from from Synergetic Press.

Lucius Werthmüller

Lucius Werthmüller

Lucius Werthmüller

Lucius Werthmüller was born 1958 in Basel, Switzerland. He is a consciousness researcher and parapsychologist. Since 1991 he has been president of the Basel Psi Association with over 1,200 members, the largest organization in the field of the paranormal and the spiritual in Switzerland, and is editor of the Psi-Info, a magazine.  In 2000 he was awarded the “Swiss Foundation for Parapsychology” prize. For eight years Lucius was project manager of the “Basel Psi-Days,” a congress with the reputation as the most important public congress on “border areas” of science worldwide. Since 1992 he has run an antique bookshop specializing in parapsychology and spirituality.

Lucius is a founding board member of the Gaia Media Foundation. He was project manager of the international symposium “LSD – Problem Child and Wonder Drug” in January 2006 on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Albert Hofmann in Basel and of the “World Psychedelic Forum” held in 2008. Lucius met Albert Hofmann, who was a good friend of his parents, as a child and remaining close to him until the end of his life. Lucius has three adult sons and lives with his partner, Sabin, in Basel.

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