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Ecospheric Science and it’s Philosophy and Art, Birkbeck College, London, November 2008.

Modular Biospheres, a New Way to Live on Mars, paper delivered at the Mars Society Conference, Boulder, Colorado, August 2008.

Reading from his memoir, Me and the Biospheres, October Gallery, London, December 2007

1st International Infra-Free Architecture Symposium on Biospheric Architecture organized by the KALE Group, Istanbul, Turkey, December 2006

Space, Architecture and the Brain Conference, organized under the auspices of the Art and Mind Festival, Winchester, UK, March 2006

History and Overview of the Technosphere, Institute of Ecotechnics Conference on Technosphere: Revolution, Involution and Evolution, Santa Fe, NM, October 2005

The Noosphere and the Planetary Integration of Art, Science and Enterprise, Institute of Ecotechnics Conference on The Noosphere: Art, Science and Ventures, Aix-en-Provence, France, October 2004.
Ethnosphere,  Talk at October Gallery London, UK, December 2003

Biosphere 2 and Design Paradigms for the 21st Century, Eden Project, Cornwall, UK, October 2002.

The Ethnosphere: An Overview, Institute of Ecotechnics Conference on The Ethnosphere, Memes, Themes and Dreams, Aix-en-Provence, France, October 2002

Sustainable Co-evolutionary Design Paradigm for the 21st Century, International Design Conference, Pusan, Korea., October 2000

Noospherics, the Discipline of Intelligence Concerning the Biosphere, Institute of Ecotechnics Conference, France. October 2000

Problems and Challenges of Closed Ecological Systems, NASA Ames and Global Ecotechnics Corp Workshop on Ecosynthesis: Creating Open and Closed Ecosystems on Mars, September 2000.

Stages in Biospheric Development, Mars Society Conference, Boulder, CO, August, 1999.

Biosphere 2: From Concept to Futures, Biosphere Symposium, Univ. Of California, Berkeley, July 1999.

Biospherics and Ecological Design, Univ. Of California, Santa Cruz, May 1999.

Biospheric Ecology,  Institute of Ecotechnics Conference on The Future — Worlds, History, and Society, Les Marronniers, France October 1998.

Technical Design, Humanity, and Biospherics.  International Design Network Foundation, New York, Oct. 14 1997.

Two seminars on “Biosphere; Ethnosphere, and Technosphere Interrelations. Baltimore Holistic Health Center, February 27 to March, 1997.

An Experimental Case Study of Understanding Biospherics Through Biome Based Enterprise, Harvard Business School Club, Forth Worth Texas. April 8, 1997.

The Kingdoms of the Biosphere and Humanity‘s Place In It, October 25, Conference on Biospheres, Evolution, and Cultures, Les Marroniers, Aix-en-Provence, France.  October, 1997.

Keynote:  Applying Lessons learned from Biosphere 2 to Biosphere 1, Earth, presented at Tropical Seas Satellite Mission for Biospheric Studies of Coral Reefs, Santa Monica, California, January 10, 1997

Biosphere 2. Presented at the Fifth International Aerospace Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, December 3, 1996  Published in Proceedings.

Biosphere 2’s Place in the History of Science. Presented at the Natural History Museum, Vienna, Austria, October 30, 1996.

Bucky Fuller’s Algorithm for Synergetic Design and the Challenges of the Twenty-First Century, delivered June 4, 1996, Buckminster Fuller Memoria, U.S. International University, San Diego.

The Role of Biosphere 2 in Creating the Future, United States International University, San Diego, March, 1996.

The Taxonomy and Place of Humanity in the Biosphere, ENEA Research Center, La Spezia, Italy, August 1995.

Biosphere 2: Understanding Patterns of Our World,  U.S. International University, San Diego, May 1995.

Biospherics and the Future of Health, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist Annual Regional meeting, October 30, 1994.

The Importance of Closed Life Systems: Results of the Biosphere 2 Experiment and New Development from an Industrial Perspective, International Conference on New Urban Industries ’94 Nagoya”, October 4, 1994.

Biospheres, Nature, and Technics.  Lecture at American Natural History Museum, New York, September, 1993.

Biosphere 2 : Education for Spaceship Earth, Alexander Ananoff Invited Lecture, -Fourth International Astronautical Federation Conference, Graz, Austria, October, 1993.

Concepts for the Future from Biosphere 2, Natur im Kopf Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, June, 1993.

The Environment and Health in Closed Ecological Life Systems, presentation at The Environment and Health Connection Conference, sponsored by the American Environmental Health Foundation, Dallas, Texas, February 27, 1993.
Duplication of Biosphere 2 for the Future. Monterey Institute of Technology Satellite Uplink to 26 campuses, November 26, 1992.

The Mission of Life, Forest ’92 conference in Rio de Janeiro, May, 1992.

Biosphere 2, Desert Nights Lecture series, Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona, December 11, 1991.

On the Brink – Breakthroughs in Science   lecture series, 92nd Street YM/YWHA, New York City, NY, May 9, 1991.

“Minds for History” annual conference, participant with James Farmer, Betty Friedan, Lynn Margulis and Chou Wen-chung – Cosanti Foundation, Arcosanti, Arizona, October 6 – 10, 1990.
The Solar System Corporation, lecture at the Second Symposium International L’Homme et la Conscience Planetaire, Abaye de Fontevraud, France, 1990.

Ecology and Space in Eastern Europe, lecture at the Harvard Business Club, Fort Worth, 1990.

The Role of Biosphere 2 in Relation to Biosphere 1, presentation to the Second Annual ECO Conference, Earth Communications Office, Malibu, California, 1990.

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