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New Release

Reclaiming the Commons

Biodiversity, Indigenous Knowledge, and the Rights of Mother Earth

by Vandana Shiva

Reclaiming the Commons lays out the scientific, legal, political, and cultural struggle to defend the sovereignty of biodiversity and indigenous knowledge. 

New Release

The Revolution We Expected

Cultivating a New Politics of Consciousness

By Claudio Naranjo


In The Revolution We Expected, celebrated doctor and psychotherapist Claudio Naranjo makes a final call to humanity to awaken to our collective potential and work to transcend our patriarchal past and present in order to build a new world. This book argues not only for a collective individual awakening, but a concerted effort to transform our institutions so that they are in service to a better world.

New Release

Life Under Glass

Crucial Lessons in Planetary Stewardship from Two Years in Biosphere 2

2nd Edition

by Abigail Alling, Dr. Mark Nelson and Sally Silverstone

Planet in a bottle. Eden revisited. Laboratory under glass.

Sustainability & Ecology

Developing innovative ideas that create sustainable lifeways.

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Consciousness & Psychedelics

By widening our understanding of our deeper selves, we create both personal and social evolution.


Building bridges of connection and deepening our compassion

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Poetry, Art, & Fiction

Art inspires us towards more passionately envisioned futures

Sustainability & Ecology

Developing Innovative Ideas That Create Sustainable Lifeways.

Consciousness & Psychedelics

Widening our understanding of our deeper selves.

Cultural Anthropology

Building bridges of connection and deepening our compassion

Poetry, Art, & Fiction

Art inspires us towards more passionately envisioned futures

For 30 years, we’ve been publishing writers with knowledge to help us evolve as humans and learn to thrive in a more sustainable world.

Remember Biosphere 2?
That was just one of our authors’ projects.

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