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Ralph Metzner Shares Stories About Albert Hofmann

By Mitch Mignano

September 23, 2013 | Uncategorized | 0 comments



Ralph Metzner

pioneer in psychedelics and consciousness research, shares stories of his extraordinary experiences and reflects on the life of the most famous chemist of the twentieth century, Albert Hofmann, to commemorate publication of Mystic Chemist: The Life of Albert Hofmann and His Discovery of LSD; and Ralph’s latest book, Worlds Within and Worlds Beyond



5:00 PM

Collected Works Bookstore

202 Galisteo Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Ralph Metzner, PhD, part of the famed triad of psychologists who became world famous as pioneers of psychedelics in the 1960s, continues to practice psychotherapy and to teach workshops nationally and internationally. He coauthored with Ram Dass Birth of a Psychedelic Culture: Conversations about Leary,the Harvard Experiments, Millbrook and the Sixties in 2010 chronicling the origins of modern psychedelic culture.

Editor of the Psychedelic Review and The Ecstatic Adventure,he wrote Maps of Consciousness, Know Your Type, The Unfolding Self (1986), The Well of Remembrance (1994),and Green Psychology (1999). He served as Academic Dean at the California Institute of Integral Studies during the 1980s, where he is now Professor Emeritus. Metzner is founder and president of the Green Earth Foundation, a non-profit educational foundation. Most recently, he completed writing and publishing a new series of seven short books, with the general title “The Ecology of Consciousness.”

Mitch Mignano

Contributing Editor

Mitch Mignano is a writer, researcher, editor and workshop organizer who splits his time between Santa Fe and New York City. After finishing graduate school, Mitch teamed-up with psychedelic author Daniel Pinchbeck to begin working with the Evolver social network, Reality Sandwich online magazine and North Atlantic Books. Through this activity, he came in contact with John Allen (inventor of Biosphere 2) and Deborah Snyder, discovering a deep calling to work with John and his ecotechnic ideas, Mitch brings a myriad of professional connections, as well as an experiential and interdisciplinary knowledge set to the Synergetic team.


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