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Synergetic Press launches Mystic Chemist in Oakland at the MAPS Psychedelic Science Conference and City Lights Bookstore

By Mitch Mignano

April 29, 2013 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Dieter Hagenbach, publisher Deborah Parrish Snyder, Lucius Werthmüller, and editor Linda Sperling

Synergetic Press just returned from the 2nd International Psychedelic Science Conference in Oakland, California hosted by the MAPS Organization (Multi-Disciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies). According to the conference website, “over 100 of the world’s leading researchers from 13 countries presented recent findings on the benefits and risks of LSD, psilocybin, MDMA, ayahuasca, ibogaine, 2C-B, ketamine, marijuana, and more, over three days of conference presentations, and two days of pre- and post-conference workshops.”



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Since MAPS had already attracted the global psychedelic intelligentsia to northern California, and furthermore chose to kick-off the event on ‘Bicycle Day,’ the 70th anniversary of Albert Hofmann’s legendary first trip, the occasion provided the perfect venue for Synergetic Press to showcase our bold new authoritative biography, MYSTIC CHEMIST: The Life of Albert Hofmann and His Discovery of LSD. Authors Dieter Hagenbach and Lucius Werthmüller, close personal friends of Albert Hofmann, flew in from Basel, Switzerland to meet us in Oakland and participate in the conference through both on and offsite talks, as well as several book signings.

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Each appearance was a resounding success! Dieter and Lucius held the first lecture in the main ballroom, describing Albert Hofmann’s life to a live audience with the same passion and precision with which they write. Their rich slide show presentation revealed many of the rare and illustrative images that enliven nearly every page of their thorough and comprehensive book.

Synergetic had a special advance order of both the soft and hardcover editions shipped directly to the conference center for sale through MAPS. The books flew off the tables as readers lined up to meet the authors, exchanging a brief word of gratitude and personalizing the new purchases with a signature or note.

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The authors also had  a book-signing and talk at the historic City Lights Bookstore in the North Beach neighborhood of San Francisco, immortalized by the literary mavericks and cultural prophets of the ‘Beat’ scene so long ago. City Lights events manager Peter Maravelis, the Synergetic Press team, authors Dieter and Lucius, as well as the attending audience flowing down the edge of the stairs, brimmed with excitement and honor to participate in this historic intersection of research, publishing and intellectual fellowship.

Back at the MAPS conference, Synergetic Press discovered a bounty of promising new allies through the richly populated halls and lounges of the hotel. By deepening decades-old bonds and discovering wholly new and unpredictable relationships with luminaries in a number of fields, we are emboldened to pursue the next stage of our company’s growth. Whispers of new projects are best kept as such, but suffice to say that following the launch of Mystic Chemist and the upcoming American edition of Tony Juniper’s, What Has Nature Ever Done for Us? (Why Money Really Does Grow on Trees), which is already a best-seller in England, we at Synergetic Press have our hands full with wonderful new content to develop and bring to our readers!



Mitch Mignano

Contributing Editor

Mitch Mignano is a writer, researcher, editor and workshop organizer who splits his time between Santa Fe and New York City. After finishing graduate school, Mitch teamed-up with psychedelic author Daniel Pinchbeck to begin working with the Evolver social network, Reality Sandwich online magazine and North Atlantic Books. Through this activity, he came in contact with John Allen (inventor of Biosphere 2) and Deborah Snyder, discovering a deep calling to work with John and his ecotechnic ideas, Mitch brings a myriad of professional connections, as well as an experiential and interdisciplinary knowledge set to the Synergetic team.


Podcast Interviews with Dieter Hagenbach and Lucius Werthmüller


Podcast Interview with Ralph Metzner


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