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Scientific Papers

Nelson, M.; Allen, J.P.; and Dempster, W.F. “Modular Biospheres” – A new platform for education and research – paper for COSPAR 2006 in Beijing. Adv. Space Research (2008)

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Dempster, W; Nelson, M; and Allen, J; Atmospheric dynamics of combined crops of wheat, cowpeas, pinto beans in the Laboratory Biosphere closed ecological system – paper for COSPAR 2006 in Beijing, Adv. Space Research (2008)

Nelson, M.; Allen, J.P. ; and Dempster, W.F. Integration of lessons from recent research for “Earth to Mars” life support systems – paper for COSPAR 2006 in Beijing, in press Adv. Space Research

Nelson, M.; Dempster, W.F.; Silverstone, S.; Alling, A.; Allen, J.P.; van Thillo, M. Cowpeas and pinto beans: yields and light efficiency of candidate space crops in the Laboratory Biosphere closed ecological system – paper for COSPAR 2006 in Beijing, in press Adv. Space Research.

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Dempster, W.F., Allen, J. Alling, A., Nelson, M., Silverstone, S. and M.Van Thillo, 2005. Atmospheric dynamics in the “Laboratory Biosphere” with wheat and sweet potato crops, Adv. Space Res.35:1552-1556.

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Alling, A., M. Van Thillo, W. F. Dempster, M. Nelson, S. Silverstone, J. Allen, 2005, The Mars On Earth® Project: Lessons Learned from Biosphere 2 and Laboratory Biosphere Closed Systems Experiments, Biological Sciences in Space 19(4): 250-260

Silverstone, S., M. Nelson, A. Alling and J.P. Allen, Soil and crop management experiments in the Laboratory Biosphere: An analogue system for the Mars on Earth® facility, Advances in Space Research 35 (9):1544-1551, 2005.

Nelson, M., W.F. Dempster, S. Silverstone, A. Alling, J.P. Allen and M. van Thillo, Crop Yield and Light/Energy Efficiency in a Closed Ecological System: Laboratory Biosphere experiments with wheat and sweet potato, Advances in Space Research 35 (9): 1539-1543, 2005.

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Morowitz, H., J.P. Allen, M. Nelson and A. Alling, 2005. Closure as a Scientific Concept and its Application to Ecosystem Ecology and the Science of the Biosphere, paper presented at COSPAR, Paris, 2004; Advances in Space Sciences 36(7):1305-1311.

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Dempster, W.F., Alling, A., van Thillo, M., Allen, J.P. Silverstone, S. and M. Nelson, Technical review of the Laboratory Biosphere closed ecological system facility, presented at COSPAR/IAF meeting, Houston, October 2002, Adv. Space Res., 34: 1477-1482, 2004.

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Nelson, M., W.F. Dempster, A. Alling, J.P. Allen, R. Rasmussen, S. Silverstone, M. Van Thillo, Initial experimental results from the Laboratory Biosphere closed ecological system facility, paper presented at the World Space Congress, COSPAR general assembly, Houston, TX, October 2002, Advances in Space Research, 2003, Vol. 31, issue 7, 1721-1730

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Nelson, M., J. Allen, A. Alling, W.F.Dempster, S. Silverstone, Earth applications of closed ecological systems: relevance to the development of sustainability in our global biosphere, paper presented at the World Space Congress, COSPAR general assembly, Houston, TX, October 2002, Advances in Space Research, 2003, Vol. 31, issue 7, 1649-1656.

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Allen, J.P., M. Nelson, A.K. Alling, The legacy of Biosphere 2 for the study of biospherics and closed ecological systems, paper presented at the World Space Congress, COSPAR general assembly, Houston, TX, October 2002, Advances in Space Research, 2003, Vol. 31, issue 7, 1629-1640.

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Salisbury, F.B, Dempster, W.F., Allen, J.P., Alling, A., Bubenheim, D., Nelson, M and S. Silverstone, Light, Plants, and Power for Life Support on Mars, paper presented at NASA Mars Ecosynthesis workshop, Santa Fe, NM Sept 2000, Life Support and Biosphere Science 8(3/4):161-172, 2002
Nelson, M., Alling, A, Dempster, W.F., van Thillo, M. and J. Allen, Integration of wetland wastewater treatment with space life support systems, paper presented at COSPAR conference, Warsaw, Poland, July, 2000, Life Support and Biosphere Science 8 (3/4):149-154, 2002.

Silverstone, S., M. Nelson, A. Alling, J. Allen. 2003. Development and research program for a soil – based bioregenerative agriculture system to feed a four person crew at a Mars base. Adv. Space Res. 31(1): 69-75.

Allen, J. 2000. “A Review of Humanity’s Taxonomic Classification,” Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, (unpublished).

Allen, J. 2000. “Artificial Biospheres as a Model for Global Ecology on Planet Earth,” Life Support and Biosphere Science, Vol. 7, No. 3.

Nelson, M, Alling, A., Dempster, W.F., Van Thillo, M., Allen, John, June 2000. “Integration of Wetland Wastewater Treatment with Space Life Suport Systems: Mars Base Prototype,: paper presented COSPAR, forthcoming publication Advances in Space Research, Pergamon.

Nelson, M, Alling, A, Allen, J., June 2000. “Developing and Testing a Soil Based Bioregenerative Agriculture System to Feed a Four Person Crew at a Mars Base,” paper presented COSPAR, forthcoming publication in Advances in Space Research, Pergamon.

Allen, J. 1999. “Biospherics and Biosphere 2, Mission One (1991-1993),” Ecological Engineering 13.

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Allen, J. 1997. “Biospheric Theory and Report on Overall Biosphere 2 Design and Performance During Misson One (1991-1993)” Life Support and Biosphere Science, Vol. 4, No. 3/4.

Allen, J.P.; Nelson, M.; Burgess, Tony L.; Alling, Abigail; Alvarez-Romo, Norberto; Dempster, William F.; Walford, Roy L.; April 1993. “Initial Results from Biosphere A Closed Ecological System Laboratory,” Bioscience.

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Allen, J. 1992. “Biosphere 2: Description, Purpose, and Conceptual Design” a keynote address at the International` Conference of Life Support and Biospherics at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, co-sponsored by NASA Marshall Space Science Center.

MacCallum, T.; Nelson, M.; Allen, J.P.; Leigh, L.S.; Alling, A.; Alvarez-Romo, N., 1992. “The Biosphere 2 Project and its Application for Space Exploration and Mars Settlement.” The Case for Mars IV, Volume 76, Science and Technology Series, American Astronautical Society, San Diego.

Nelson, M.; Leigh, L.; Alling, A.; MacCallum, T.; Allen, J. ; Alvarez-Romo, N., 1991. “Biosphere 2 Test Module: A Ground-Based Sunlight-Driven Prototype of a Closed Ecological System“. Paper #MF 11.2.6, COSPAR XXVIII Plenary Meeting, The Hague, Netherlands, Published V. 12, n. 5, Natural and Artificial Ecosystems, Life Sciences and Space Research XXIV 4, p. 151.

Nelson, M.; Allen, J.P.; Dempster, W.F., 1991. “Biosphere 2: Prototype Project for a Permanent and Evolving Life System for a Mars Base”. Paper # MF 1.4.6, COSPAR XXVIII Plenary Meeting, The Hague, Netherlands, 1991; published in: Advances in Space Research, V. 12, n. 5, Natural and Artificial Ecosystems, Life Sciences and Space Research XXIV 4, p. 211.

Allen, J.P., 1991. An Historical Overview of the Biosphere 2 Project. Workshop on Biological Life Support Technologies: Commercial Opportunities, Mark Nelson and Gerald Soffen (ed.), NASA Conference Publication, NASA Office of Management, Scientific and Technical Information Division, Washington D.C., 1990. Also published in Biological Life Support Systems, Proceedings of the Workshop on Biological Life Support Technologies: Commercial Opportunities, Mark Nelson and Gerald Soffen (ed.), Synergetic Press, Tucson.

Allen, J.P., 1989. “Biosphere 2 and the Concept of the Noosphere”. Paper delivered at the Second International Review of the History, Current Work and Future of Closed Ecological Systems conference, co-sponsored by the Institute of Biophysics (USSR), Space Biospheres Ventures and the Institute of Ecotechnics, held in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia.

Allen, J. 1989. “Ecology and Space”. Paper published in the Japanese Society for Biological Sciences in Space publication series, Vol. 3, No. 1, Tokyo, 1989, and reprinted in Lunar Habitation Vol. 1, by Japan Macro-Engineer Society and Lunar Habitation Institute, Tokyo.

Allen, J.P.. 1988. “The Scientific Legacy of V.I. Vernadsky”. Paper delivered at Vernadsky Memorial Symposium, Kiev. March, 1988.

Allen, J.P., 1988. “Geological, Hydrosphere and Atmosphere Data Needed to Plan Long-term Life Systems for Mars Habitation”. Paper delivered at Brown University and Vernadsky Institute Micro-Symposium, Providence, RI.

Allen, J.P., 1987. “Modeling of Complex Ecological Systems”. Paper delivered at the “International Review of the History, Current Work and Future of Closed Ecological Systems” conference arranged by the Institute of Ecotechnics and held at the Royal Society, London.

Allen, J.P.; Leigh, L.; Alling, A.; and MacCallum, T. “Man in Closed Ecological System” (unpublished)


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