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Beyond The Narrow Life: A Guide For Psychedelic Integration and Existential Exploration

By Kile M. Ortigo, Ph.D.

Foreword by William A. Richards, Ph.D.


Beyond the Narrow Life seeks to ‘thread a needle’ by addressing profound themes elicited by psychospiritual and therapeutic use of psychedelics while avoiding merely ‘preaching to the choir.’ This book explores common topics that emerge during psychedelic journeys by integrating several frameworks, spanning evidence-based cognitive-behavioral therapy, Jungian depth psychology, existential philosophy, compassion and mindfulness practices, comparative mythology, pop culture, film, and scientific understandings of the cosmos. Instead of a dry overview of big ideas, Dr. Ortigo gently guides readers through an awe-inspiring journey that confronts the deeper questions and concerns we all face as humans in this modern time.

I’d like to heartily recommend Dr. Kile Ortigo’s Beyond the Narrow Life to you as a unique work that offers a thoughtful and well-developed map and user’s guide for exploring one’s psyche – from preparation through encounter through integration into the activities of daily life. The field of psychotherapy will very much benefit from the availability of this material.” — David Presti

An awe-inspiring guide that weaves together permaculture design, food resiliency, climate adaptation, community organizing, and indigenous wisdom that you can implement in your own backyard. This book has been crafted for...


With the second renaissance and re-emergence of psychedelics in Western society, the public and therapists alike are confronting new areas of exploration with few comprehensive models available to aid in the profound process of integrating such powerful and mystical-like experiences into one’s life. Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy offers one useful model for this work, but access to even traditional therapy is limited due to expense and inadequate specialized training. With questions surrounding legal access, criminalization, and medical indications and contraindications, the immediate future of psychedelic-assisted therapy remains shrouded in uncertainty, even in the face of expanding interest and promise.

Beyond the Narrow Life seeks to ‘thread a needle’ by addressing profound themes elicited by psychospiritual and therapeutic use of psychedelics while avoiding merely ‘preaching to the choir.’ This book explores common topics that emerge during psychedelic journeys by integrating several frameworks, spanning evidence-based cognitive-behavioral therapy, Jungian depth psychology, existential philosophy, compassion and mindfulness practices, comparative mythology, pop culture, film, and scientific understandings of the cosmos. Instead of a dry overview of big ideas, Dr. Ortigo gently guides readers through an awe-inspiring journey that confronts the deeper questions and concerns we all face as humans in this modern time.

Interested in learning more about Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy? Please visit the Center for Existential Exploration Resources page for more information.

Related: Should Psychedelic Therapists Have Psychedelic Experiences?

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Beyond The Narrow Life: A Guide For Psychedelic Integration and Existential Exploration. Book cover designed and illustrated by Gustavo Attab
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