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Preserving Indigenous Wisdom and Spiritual Legacy

The Legacy of Bear Heart


From our heart to yours. 

“Reading this masterfully architectured book, you will know Bear, and you will know your own heart, and you will know a man about whom not enough can possibly be written – Bear Heart, Keeper of the Sacred Wisdom of the Muscogee Creek Nation, healer, warrior and storyteller who lives on not only in the Forest of Spirit but with us here in the Land of the Seeking. Deep deep gratitude to Bear Heart’s life partner, Reginah WaterSpirit, through whose art and writings, the invaluable teachings of Bear Heart will live on and on far beyond any of us.”
Rabbi Gershon Winkler 

Beart Heart was a Muscogee Creek Native American Church Road Man with a talent for seeing people as individuals, and for making them feel seen and special in their own ways. 

He was born in Oklahoma in 1918 and was a member of the Bear Clan dedicating his life to bridging the gap between indigenous traditions and the modern world. He traveled the globe, sharing the wisdom of his ancestors through storytelling, lectures, and workshops. His teachings focused on the importance of balance, harmony with nature, and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

Bear Heart teachings reflect the spiritual depth of indigenous cultures. His stories and insights provide a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of living in harmony with nature continuing to inspire indigenous youth to embrace and celebrate their heritage. Their stories serve as a beacon of hope for those seeking to reconnect with their roots and traditions.

When Reginah would ask Bear Heart exactly how he made his medicine, he always answered, “I don’t make the medicine, it was here before me. I’ve been entrusted to be a caretaker of certain sacred ways.”

The Bear is my Father is not just a book; it is a profound testament to the enduring wisdom and spirituality of indigenous cultures. Bear Heart and Reginah Waterspirit, through their stories and teachings, leave a legacy that reminds us of the beauty and importance of preserving the traditions and values of indigenous communities. Their work serves as a bridge between the past and the present, inviting us all to learn from the wisdom of our ancestors and live in harmony with the Earth.


Bridging the Gap between Western and Indigenous Cultures


Synergetic Press Founders - 50 years of ecology, innovation, and exploration


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