The Launch of Language of Water:
Ancient Techniques and Community Stories for a Water-Secure Future
We are delighted to announce the launch of The Language of Water, now available for purchase on the Synergetic Press website.
This extraordinary book offers profound insights into the timeless relationship between humanity and water, weaving ancient techniques with the inspiring stories of communities worldwide who are restoring water to the land.
From the cool rush of a mountain stream to the intricate patterns of river bends and whirlpools, water’s ceaseless movement reflects its transformative power. As the introduction reminds us, water connects us to the origins of life and the cycles of renewal. In this time of ecological crisis, The Language of Water revives ancestral wisdom and practical solutions, from Rajasthani johads to Slovakian rain gardens, guiding us to imagine a future where communities and ecosystems thrive in harmony.
This book is a celebration, a call to action, and a reminder of water’s sacred nature. As you turn its pages, may its stories of creativity, resilience, and reconnection inspire you to become a steward of water and life itself.
Discover the Wisdom of Water: A Transformative Book on Ancient
Techniques and Community Stories – Order Your Copy Today!

“‘Water’ and ‘survival’ are pretty much the same thing, so it’s no wonder that local communities, facing record drought and heat,
are taking matters into their own hands. These are stirring stories of the recovery of time-honored techniques
that will be desperately important as the climate crisis keeps building.”
—Bill McKibben, Author of The End of Nature
“The Language of Water is a love story about humans and water, and the ways in which we are learning to keep this relationship healthy for
the sake of future generations, reminding us that it takes people in our local communities and those at the macro level in cooperation
to help care for Mother Earth’s waters. With cases from around the world as evidence, Minni Jain and Philip Franses
show us that for the sake of Mother Earth’s future, community-led initiatives and traditional wisdom partnered with
earth-based scientific practices and research are the path of hope. Sustainable relationship with the waters around us
is essential if we are going to act in order to give future generations a chance—it’s all connected through
kinship, community, action and care. Read this book as a reminder of the love story that is always unfolding,
and the important part we have to play in it.”
—Kaitlin B. Curtice, Potawatomi poet-storyteller and award-winning author of Native and Living Resistance